Cubic Yards To Tons Calculator

Convert cubic yards to equivalent US & Metric Tons for different construction materials.

Material (Approximations)



Cubic Yards:



This yards to tons calculator quickly convert Cubic yards of materials into US tons, metric tonnes, and Pounds relative to their density. 

How Many Cubic Yards Are In A Ton?

A cubic yard is a unit of volume that occupies a space of 3 feet square and 3 feet deep (3' x 3' x 3').  Air space volume and density will be considered when load size is estimated. The cubic yard is a measuring space for loading material to know volume. 

1 Yard = 3 feet


1 cubic yard= 3*3*3 = 27 cubic feet

Cubic Yards to Tons

To covert gravel volume to tons:

Cubic Yards x 1.4 = Tons 

1 Ton = 2000 pounds

Density = Weight / Volume

Weight = Density * volume

How Many Tons is 10 Cubic Yards of Sand?

Dry Sand Density = 72 Lb/ Cubic Feet


1 Yard = 3 Feet


1 Cubic Yard = 3*3*3 = 27 Cubic Feet

10 Cubic Yard = 270 Cubic Feet

1 Ton = 2000 Lb

Weight = 72 * 270 Lb

Weight = 1,9440 Lb

Weight of Sand in US Tons = 1,9440/2000 

Weight of Sand in US Tons = 9.72 US Tons

Weight of Sand in Metric Tons = 1,9440/2200 

Weight of Sand in Metric Tons = 8.82 Metric Tons

For practical reasons, several non-metric units are accepted for use like Yards to Tons (Kenneth S. Butcher, May 2006)

Cubic Yards to Tons Conversion Table: 

The cubic yard-to-ton conversion table is given below:

Cubic Yard [yd^3] Ton Register [ton Reg]
0.01 yd^3 0.0027 ton reg
0.1 yd^3 0.027 ton reg
1 yd^3 0.27 ton reg
2 yd^3 0.54 ton reg
3 yd^3 0.81 ton reg
5 yd^3 1.35 ton reg
10 yd^3 2.7 ton reg
20 yd^3 5.4 ton reg
50 yd^3 13.5 ton reg
100 yd^3 27 ton reg
1000 yd^3 270 ton reg